Ensaio sobre a identidade humana

Osvaldo Dalberio


This text arose from the need to understand the human dimension of individuality, personality and uniqueness, converging to the identity. It is the result of bibliographical research, discussions in research groups on philosophy, coordinated by the author, debates with students in the classroom. The systematization of this article happened because the discussions were fruitful and with interest of those who discussed it. Understanding that human identity encompasses a range of issues, from social individuality that he has, going through the personality that is, the various social roles that he assumes or are assigned to him, reaching the singularity that is characterized like what the man is for himself. But, within this panorama, he should also take into account how he relates with himself, with the other one and with the world and more than that, how arises from there his world views. Thus, man is a constant questioner about his existence and how derives from it the happiness, because this is the scope of human life that everyone wants to reach.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3308/if.v9i18.112